KVCOG regularly applies for and receives U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Funding to assist communities in assessing potentially contaminated sites and cleaning up sites where redevelopment, expansion or reuse is complicated by the presence (or perceived presence) of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. Funds are available as grants to municipalities (when available) and low-interest loans to private developers. KVCOG works closely with the EPA, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, municipalities, developers and environmental consultants to produce successful redevelopment projects.
What is a Brownfield?
A brownfield is defined as: real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or further defines the term to include a site that is: “contaminated by a controlled substance; contaminated by petroleum or a petroleum product excluded from the definition of ‘hazardous substance’; or mine-scarred land.”
The Brownfields Process:
Brownfields is sometimes considered a three-step process. These steps precede redevelopment and identify potential funding sources. Although redevelopment of a Brownfield occurs after site cleanup, plans for reuse are generally produced earlier during the process.
Brownfields Funding
There are two program areas of funding- Assessment Activities and Cleanup Activities. KVCOG currently has EPA Funding to assist with both Assessment Activities and Cleanup Activities.
Assessment Activities Funding:
KVCOG's Brownfields Assessment Application
Cleanup Activities- Revolving Loan Funding (RLF):
Brownfields Cleanup Grants provide funding for a recipient to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the applicant. Brownfields Cleanup Grants provide funding for a recipient to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the applicant. Funds may be used to address sites contaminated by petroleum and/or hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances comingled with petroleum).
KVCOG's Brownfield RLF Application
Past Assessment projects include:
Past Cleanup projects include:
Additional Resources and Information:
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Website
Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) Brownfields Website
For more information on KVCOG’s Brownfields Program
or to return a completed application form, contact
Jessie Cyr, Economic & Community Development Director
207-453-4258, Ext 220
In accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, KVCOG is committed to ensuring that the fundamental principles of equal opportunity are upheld in all decisions involving our employees and contractors/consultants, and to ensuring that the public-at-large is afforded access to our programs and services.
KVCOG’s Title VI Notification is as follows: Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
"No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
KVCOG’s Title VI Notice to the Public is posted at it’s main office located at 17 Main Street, Fairfield, 04937.
To find out more about KVCOG’s non-discrimination procedures or to file a complaint, please contact (207) 453-4258. Instructions to file a discrimination complaint are as follows:
Filing a Complaint
The Title VI/Environmental Justice and Related Statutes complaint procedures are intended to provide aggrieved persons an avenue to raise complaints of discrimination regarding KVCOG’s programs, activities and services as required by statute.
The purpose of the discrimination complaint procedures is to describe the process used by the Office of Human Resources (OHR) for processing complaints of discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes.
Roles and Responsibilities
The KVCOG Executive Director has overall responsibility for the discrimination complaint process and procedures. The Director may, at her/his discretion, assign a capable person within KVCOG to investigate the complaint. The designated investigator will conduct an impartial and objective investigation, collect factual information and prepare a fact-finding report based upon the information obtained from the investigation. In cases where the complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement, the complainant will be assisted in converting the verbal complaint into a written complaint. All complaints, however, must be signed by the complainant and/or by the complainant’s representative. The complainant shall make themselves reasonably available to the designated investigator, to ensure completion of the investigation within the timeframes set forth.
Filing Complaints
The complaint procedures apply to the beneficiaries of the KVCOG programs, activities and services including, but not limited to, the public, contractors, subcontractors, consultants and other sub-recipients of federal and state funds.
Any person who believes that she/he has been excluded from participation in, denied benefits or services of any program or activity administered by KVCOG or its subrecipients, consultants, and contractors on the basis of race, color, and national origin may bring forth a complaint of discrimination under Title VI/EJ and Related Statutes.
Time Limitation and Filing Options
Title VI/EJ complaints of discrimination may be filed with:
In all situations, the KVCOG employees must contact the KVCOG Executive Director immediately upon receipt of a Title VI/EJ complaint.
Complaints must be filed no later than 180 days after:
Complaints must be in writing and must be signed by the complainant and/or the complainant’s representative. The complaint must set forth as fully as possible the facts and circumstances surrounding the claimed discrimination. In the event a person makes a verbal complaint of discrimination to an KVCOG employee, or other person authorized to receive complaints on behalf of KVCOG, shall interview the person. If necessary, the authorized person will assist the person in writing the complaint for the person or the person’s representative to sign.
Any individual, group of individuals or entity that believes it has been subjected to discrimination prohibited under Title VI may file a complaint by completing KVCOG’s complaint form below.
Your complaint must be signed and dated.
Please submit your complaint to the address stipulated below:
Members of the public can also access complaint forms and instructions at KVCOG’s main office located at 17 Main Street, Fairfield, Maine 04937, and by clicking the link above. Hard copy forms and instructions can also be mailed upon request.
In the case where a complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made to the KVCOG Executive Director. Under these circumstances, the complainant will be interviewed, and the Director will assist the complainant in converting the verbal allegations into writing.
KVCOG posts its Title VI notification on its website (above) and at its main office located at 17 Main Street, Fairfield, ME 04937.
Click HERE to view the full plan.