
KVCOG Title VI Plan 2023 adopted Page 01

  Click HERE to view the full plan.

Medical conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and allergies leaves thousands of Maine residents using millions of syringes, pen needles, and lancets, otherwise known as “sharps”. Stockpiling used sharps in the home or improper disposal by throwing them in the trash or flushing them down the toilet puts you and your family, janitorial and solid waste staff, and the general public at risk for accidental needle contact that can lead to infections, tetanus, and transmission of blood-borne diseases.

Home Disposal 

If you or a loved one uses sharps in your home, here are some no-cost/low-cost selections to safely dispose on your sharps. 

  • Needle Clipping Devices – Small handheld devices clip off and store up to 1,500 syringe needles rendering the syringe safe for regular disposal with household trash. Once the device is full it can also be safely thrown out without any additional precautions.
  • Designated Sharps Containers - Rigid home sharps containers with locking lids may be placed in your household trash when full. While these containers may be available for purchase at your local pharmacy, some manufacturers may also provide them free of charge through patient support programs.
    • You may also choose a rigid, leak-proof, and puncture resistant container such as a hard-plastic bottle with a screw on lid for use as well.
      • Proper Container Disposal:
        • Label container with masking or duct tape: DO NOT RECYCLE
        • Make sure the lid is screwed on tightly and secured with tape
        • Dispose of in regular trash
  • Mail-Back Sharps Containers/Envelopes - Mail-back containers or envelopes that are pre-paid are available for purchase at your local pharmacy, are designed to be filled and mailed back to the manufacturer or manufacturer’s disposal partner.

All Maine Turnpike Authority rest stops, some Maine airports, and some retail stores have sharps disposal boxes that are available for use when you are away from home. 

For More Information:

Recycling Services at Staples

recycling flyer

Goodwill recycling program for computer equipment - Goodwill offers a free residential computer recycling program. You can drop off any brand of used computer equipment at participating Goodwill donation centers in your area.

The Help ME Recycle Map can help you find recycling locations near you as well. 

give IT get IT

give IT get IT is a nonprofit that reuses computers to help people achieve their employment and educational goals. give IT get IT can accept all kinds of working or waste electronics from businesses or households. Their contact number is (207) 338-4233.

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For more information on electronic waste services in your area please contact:

Grainne Shaw

Community Resilience Coordinator

207-453-4258 Ext. 211



PFAS refer to a group of man-made chemicals known as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. There are thousands of varieties of these chemicals including the six PFAS chemicals which are listed below:

  • Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)
  • Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS)
  • Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA)
  • Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS)
  • Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA)
  • Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA)

PFAS has been widely used in household chemicals and industrial settings since the 1940s. PFAS breaks down very slowly and resides in the environment. 


Where is PFAS in Maine?


In Maine, PFAS has been found in agricultural sites, drinking water supplies, surface waters, landfills, wastewater, sludge and septage spreading sites, and remediation and cleanup sites and has become a serious contaminant.  This contamination has come from the sludge and septage that has been added onto sites to supplement the land with nutrients. 

Sludge is a solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste generated from a wastewater treatment process as well as from dewatered septage. Septage is a fluid mixture of sewage solids, liquids and sludge of domestic origin, which is collected in and removed from a septic tank system.


More Information:


U.S. EPA Fact Sheet

U.S. EPA Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS

Department of the Navy PFAS/PFC

DACF, Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources - PFAS

ATSDR PFAS and Your Health

Maine CDC - PFAS in Public Water Systems

Maine CDC - PFAS Environmental and Community Health



Contact Us

(207) 453-4258
17 Main Street
Fairfield, Maine 04937


Employee contact information can be found here


Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday
Appointment are recommended
as staff are in and out providing
assistance to the communities they are working in.


You can reach any staff member
via the contact information here