

Get Real Get Maine

Maine Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry

Maine Farm Bureau

Maine Farmers Exchange

Maine Farmland Trust

Maine FarmLink

Maine Federation of Farmers Markets

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

Maine Potatoes

The Maine Food Strategy

Unique Maine Farms

Farmers and Asbestos

Agricultural Asbestos Related Mesothelioma



Coastal Enterprises, Inc.

The Libra Foundation Fund

Maine Angels

Maine Business Works

Maine Small Business Administration (SBA)

Maine Small Business Advocate

Maine Small Business Development Center

Maine Technology Institute

Maine Venture Fund

New Ventures Maine


Women’s Business Development Center

Data and Information Services

Census Data

Maine Census Quickfacts

Maine Dept. of Labor

Maine Economic and Demographics Program

US Census Bureau

Economic Development


Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Economic Development Council of Maine

Maine Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD)

US Dept. of Commerce



Colby College

Purdue Global

Thomas College

Unity College

University of Maine at Augusta


Kennebec County

Somerset County

State of Maine

Waldo County

Regional Council


Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments

Eastern Maine Development Corporation

Greater Portland Council of Governments

Midcoast Council of Governments

Northern Maine Development Commission


Maine Invites You

Visit Maine

Maine’s Lakes and Mountains

Kennebec Valley Tourism Council

US Chamber of Commerce

Maine Chamber of Commerce

Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce

Mid Maine Chamber of Commerce

Jackman-Moose River Chamber of Commerce

Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce

Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce

The Forks Area Chamber of Commerce

Winthrop Area Chamber of Commerce

KVCOG provides financing assistance for start-ups, expansions and modernizations throughout the region. Funding for the agency’s lending, grant and technical assistance programs are secured through a mix of State and federal loan and grant programs and strategic partnerships. KVCOG offers direct loan programs through our Revolving Loan Funds (RLF). An RLF lends funds to those in need and uses principal and interest payments to finance new loans.

In addition to our direct loan programs, KVCOG can also provide assistance to businesses in accessing other local and State sources of financing.

Business Loan Image

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Opportunities


  • These loans are available to businesses located in Kennebec, Somerset, and western Waldo counties in Maine. 
  • The business must be unable to finance the proposed project from its own resources or through commercial credit or other federal, State or local programs at reasonable rates and terms.
  • Interest rates vary. 

How Funds Can Be Used

Eligible uses include: real estate acquisition, building improvements, furniture and fixtures, equipment, inventory, supplies, working capital and/or refinancing debt.


To get started with your loan, please fill out the KVCOG Application for Financing.

If you are in need of creating, or updating your business plan, please view our Business Plan Outline

If you need more information, reach out via  or (207) 453-4258 ext 221. 

Small Business Resources

Although KVCOG doesn't offer "For-Profit" Grant Funding, below are some other helpful resources:

 APEX Maine Accelerator

Maine Small Business Development Centers 

Score Business Mentor

Finance Authority of Maine (FAME)

Maine Office of Business Development

Central Maine Growth Council

Somerset Economic Development Corporation (SEDC)

Maine Department of Labor (MDOL)

Pine Tree Development Zone Program (PTDZ)
PTDZ offers eligible businesses the chance to greatly reduce, or virtually eliminate, state taxes for up to ten years when they create net new, quality jobs in certain business sectors, or move existing jobs in those sectors to Maine.

Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC)
Workforce Training For Business 


Solid Waste

KVCOG provides environmental planning services to municipalities, solid waste districts and associations, and water districts. KVCOG has considerable experience in solid waste management, watershed protection and storm water management and road maintenance for water quality improvement.

Services include:

  • Food Waste Diversion
  • Recycling/Reuse Assistance and Education
  • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
  • Bulky Waste Recycling and Disposal
  • Universal Waste Recycling and Education
  • Public Education

For more information about KVCOG’s Environmental Planning Services, please contact:
Olivia Kunesh
Environmental Coordinator
207-453-4258, Ext 219



KVCOG offers comprehensive support for establishing effective composting programs.

By diverting organic waste from landfills, composting significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves valuable landfill space, and creates nutrient-rich soil beneficial for gardens and landscaping. Our support includes guidance on system selection, implementation, maintenance, and educational outreach.

We can help you create a sustainable and impactful composting program tailored to your community's needs.

Contact Olivia Kunesh at or 207-453-4258 Ext. 219 to learn more and explore funding opportunities.

Textile Recovery and Collection Service

KVCOG invites you to join our regional initiative in Textile Recycling 2023 Apparel Impact Annual Report - Maine

KVCOG is working with Apparel Impact to place collection bins for textile recycling throughout Kennebec and Southern Somerset Counties. These bins are placed, emptied, and maintained free of charge. Apparel Impact is a Mainer-founded organization that is owned by, and employs, veterans throughout New England. Materials recovered from the drop-off sites are donated to those in need. All the materials donated stay in New England, and what can’t be used again is recycled so nothing ends up in the landfill!

This initiative diverts material and tonnage from the waste stream, saving space in your landfill, and saving on hauling material to costly processors. It’s good for the environment, good for the community, and good for your bottom line.

KVCOG’s initiative with Apparel Impact will add new collection bins in 3 new communities throughout the KVCOG region! With these new additions there will now be approximately 40-50 total bins throughout 27 different municipalities in the KVCOG region. 

 Textile Recovery Graphic 2023


Textile Waste Diversion


For more information on this program, or if you would like one in your community, please contact:

Olivia Kunesh
Environmental Coordinator
207-453-4258, Ext 219


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Program

  • Many chemicals commonly used around the home, as well as unused pharmaceuticals, are hazardous and need to be disposed of by professionals trained to handle this material.  Improper disposal can disrupt the function of sewage treatment plants, private septic systems, contaminate ground water, and harm animals and humans.
  • KVCOG works with your community, and other local partners to schedule days where members of your community are able to bring these materials to an area location for proper disposal. 
  • In 2023, KVCOG is looking to expand this collection program to reach more communities in our region. With these programs KVCOG can continue to support safer and healthier environments for the people living, working, and recreating in our region.

For more information about the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, or for more information on how to schedule one in your community, please contact:

Olivia Kunesh
Environmental Coordinator
207-453-4258, Ext 219


Battery and Cell Phone Recycling Program

KVCOG invites you to join our regional initiative in recycling cell phone and rechargeable batteries. KVCOG is working with Call2Recycle to divert hazardous materials from landfills. 

Call2Recycle was established in 1994 by five battery manufacturing companies to provide battery collection and recycling services for rechargeable batteries. The program is national and is now funded by over 300 battery and battery-powered product manufacturers.

Call2Recycle provides free recycling of rechargeable batteries to municipalities. Municipalities can choose to also collect and recycle other batteries for a per-pound fee. Municipalities must collect batteries from the public and this can occur at town offices, transfer stations, recycling centers, or any other municipal facility.

Rechargeable batteries are commonly found in cordless power tools, cordless phones, laptops, cell phones, cameras, two-way radios, biomedical equipment, etc. 

KVCOG is a certified drop-off location for Call2Recycle's collection services. When you recycle your rechargeable batteries with us, valuable metals can be recovered and used into new products such as silverware, pots and pans, new batteries, and even golf clubs!

We are not currently accepting single-use batteries. Single-use batteries, such as AA, AAA, 9V or C or D cell, are by nature different, making their recycling process different than recycling rechargeable and cellphone batteries. 

If you're not sure what type of battery you have, download this battery guide - Chemistry-Specific-Battery-Recycling-Guide-1.pdf

If you would like to become a host for these collection boxes, schedule a drop-off, or have questions related to the program, please contact:

Olivia Kunesh
Environmental Coordinator
207-453-4258, Ext 219

Welcome to Winfield, KS


Contact Us

(207) 453-4258
17 Main Street
Fairfield, Maine 04937


Employee contact information can be found here


Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday
Appointment are recommended
as staff are in and out providing
assistance to the communities they are working in.


You can reach any staff member
via the contact information here